The purpose of this feature (as far as I can tell) is just to annoy people. Another functionality of this feature is the ability to play a custom sound at a specific frequency (in Hz) and for a custom duration (Ms). The piano function is exactly what it sounds like, the ability to play a type of piano which can be configured to play at different octaves.
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Disable TaskMgr – Disables the Windows Task Manager (When you hit Ctrl+Alt+Del).Disable the Start Button (XP Only) – Gray out the start button, disabling it.Hide the Start Button – Only works in Win XP.Hide Sys Tray Icons – Hide icons and open application buttons on the taskbar.Hide Task Icons – In the little box on the right side of your start bar.Hiding the Desktop – Hiding all the icons and making it impossible to right click on the desktop.The Fun Manager is a set of different types of fun functions which an attacker can use against the user: DarkComet has multiple “Fun Functions” that I thought would be interesting to discuss and show you screenshots of. In many cases these are built in functions to play tricks on friends or just have fun at the expense of the unfortunately infected user. Also, they are my favorite! Fun Functions:Ī lot of RATs include “Fun Functions” to mess with the system (and minds) of the victim. Those are only some of what this baby can do I left out a few of the big ones because I wanted to go into more detail about them.
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While the tool is free to download and use, he offers the “VIP” service, which gives the user access to direct support, updates about the product and the ability to post new ideas or software bugs, all for 20 Euros or $25. However, he also mentions that his tool is often used by hackers and hence it is often detected by antivirus engines as being malicious. He advertises DarkComet as a tool and not a Trojan because of its many useful functions which could be used to administer a network at a very close level. This first blog is about DarkComet, a freely available Remote Administration “Tool” which was developed by DarkCoderSC, an independent programmer and computer security specialist from France.

So are you completely safe from malware like Flame? Well not exactly. Its purpose is for very specifically targeted cyber-espionage, not stealing your Facebook password. State-sponsored RAT malware, like Flame, would likely not infect average users and even in the off chance that it did, the operators behind the malware would probably remove the Trojan before being discovered. Last week, I talked a little about the Flame Trojan and how much the average user would need to worry about being infected with it, which is none.